Theme C : Implementation

Implementation in application-oriented devices
This theme is dedicated to the applications of nanoparticles and their assemblies: energy (catalysis, photovoltaics, batteries, fuel cells, etc.), microelectronics (NEMS-MEMS, permanent magnets, sensors, magneto-dielectrics, etc.), biomedicine (detection, diagnosis, therapy, etc.).

The general objective is to establish a list of: a) necessary conditions, b) solutions to constraints, c) optimized operating conditions, for each application system considered.

This theme is dedicated to the integration of nanostructures, considered here as elementary building blocks, in application systems. In order to promote and/or optimize this integration, the GDR NINO aims to address five major challenges.

(1) We will define strategies to “adapt” individual nano-objects or their assemblies, which must satisfy a whole set of criteria linked to a given application.

(2) We will identify strategies for the implementation of nanostructures, which of course depends on the desired applications. This implementation may, for example, require more or less complex deposits on particular supports or even a modification of their surface. Analytical approaches will be taken into account to identify the most important parameters to control (predictive models used in the field of AI (linked to Axis 3 “Theory”)).

(3) We will identify strategies to move towards large-scale production.

(4) The life cycle of nanostructures will be the subject of particular attention. Their stability, in connection to their properties, before and after their integration and use in application systems, is important to anticipate in order to optimize their performance (over time).

(5) One of the ambitions of the GDR NINO will concern reducing the cost and negative impact of nano-objects on living organisms and the environment, while maintaining their performance. To do this, we will raise awareness among research stakeholders of the safer-by-design (SBD) approach, which aims to minimize exposure or ecotoxicity of nanostructures. It consists of optimizing the risk/benefit ratio over the entire life cycle of nanostructures, involving their manufacture then the industrial product, until its end of life. For products intended for biomedical use, we will train the members of the GDR in GMP (good manufacturing practice) synthesis, or good laboratory practices, and will involve companies which develop such approaches (Sanofi etc.) as well as the European institute of the medicine.

The objective is to manufacture a product that is fit for purpose, complies with its specifications defined in the marketing authorization and does not expose a patient to a risk calling into question safety, quality or effectiveness of the product.