
Crossed perspectives on nucleation

On November 20, 21, and 22, 2024, the GDR NINO is organizing the workshop « Cross-Perspectives on Nucleation » in Toulouse. This workshop aims at establishing the state of the art on nucleation, in the domain of solution synthesis of inorganic nanoparticles. The objective is to share our knowledge and to stimulate collaborations.

The meeting will take place over three days (four half-days). Each session will be organized into two parts: the first part will be devoted to successive presentations by three or four speakers, followed by a discussion batween all participants. Our idea is to allow each speaker a few minutes to quickly present the publications they have proposed, focusing on the elements they found relevant for discussion. All publications will be distributed to all participants well before the meeting to facilitate participation in the discussion.

The deadline for registration (free but mandatory) is September 30. GDR NINO will take in charge the lunch and the gala dinner on November 21. Here is the registration link:

NINO Webinars

We aim to offer 3 or 4 webinars a year on topics related to the GDR NINO. These webinars are organized by students doing their thesis in the teams participating in the GDR, or by post-docs. See the dedicated webpage for past and future program.

Call for expressions of interest

The GDR NINO invites members of the community (permanent and non-permanent, including PhD students and post-docs) to propose short events (round-table discussions, lecture courses, webinars, thematic schools, mini-symposia, etc.) on a topic related to the GDR’s activities. Please send us your proposal by completing the attached questionnaire. We’ll respond as we go along

LinkedIn group for the GDR

Join the GDR community by registering on the LinkedIn page of the group.