Past Activities

“Anisotropic colloidal nanosystems: nanoplatelets, nanowires and ultrafine systems”

Benjamin ABÉCASSIS (CNRS and ENS de Lyon) and Peter Reiss (CEA Grenoble) organized the annual GDR NiNo meeting in the beautiful city of Lyon. The meeting took place in ENS de Lyon from June 17th to June 19th 2024 . It focused on anisotropic nanocrystals in solution, with invited speakers focusing more specifically on the synthesis, self-assembly, and properties of anisotropic nanocrystals ranging from nanorods, nanoplatelets, and ultra-thin systems. The program is available here

Invited speakers: Sandrine Ithurria (Paris), Celso de Mello Donega (Utrecth), Jannika Lauth (Hannover and Tübingen), Ivan Infante (San Sebastian)

School “from standard characterization techniques to advanced characterization techniques” 

Organised by Sylvie BEGIN & Ovidiu ERSEN, it was held in Strasbourg from 8 to 10 november 2023. Information about this day can be found on the pager dedicated to this meeting.

Women in Nanoscience

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2023, a cross-journal collection showcases a selection of the work published in Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances led by female scientists around the world and highlights the impact these leading individuals have on the research published within our nanoscience journals. The collection features a mix of some of our most popular articles from the past couple of years and publications authored by female corresponding authors who have been more closely involved with the journals in recent years. Any corresponding authors identifying as female who have published recent work in any of these journals can get in touch and have his work featured in the collection.

Third Trans Pyrenean Meeting in Catalysis

The third Trans Pyrenean Meeting in Catalysis, took place on November 2nd and 3rd 2023 in Toulouse, France. This meeting was devoted to the modeling, design and/or application of catalysts, homogeneous, heterogeneous or enzymatic. Further information is available in the flyer and at the conference website.

Journée scientifique « Polyol process, advances and challenges « 

Organisée par Souad Ammar, Lorette Sicard, Jean-Yves Piquemal et Thanh Ha-Duong, cette journée s’est tenue le 20 juin 2023 à l’Université Paris Cité. Programme de la journée.

Session du GDR NINO au congrès C’Nano 2023

Le GDR NINO a organisé en partenariat avec le groupe GECAT de la SCF une session thématique sur le thème « Nanochemistry, Nanoparticles, Nanocatalysis » est odans le cadre du congrès C’Nano 2023 qui à eu lieu du 15 au 17 mars 2023 à Poitiers.

Pour plus d’informations sur le contenu de cette session, en voici la description.

Réunion de lancement du GDR NINO

La réunion de lancement du GDR s’est tenue du 14 au 16 décembre 2022 à Sorbonne Université, sur le campus Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu, Parie 5e (Métro Jussieu) au Bâtiment Esclangon, Amphi Durand (plan). Le planning peut être téléchargée grâce à ce lien.

Des informations sur cette journée sont disponibles sur la page dédiée à cet évènement.